Friday, May 19, 5 – 7 p.m., Eastsound Fire Station

— from Robert Walters, San Juans Conservation District —

Warmer and drier weather is just around the corner, so now is the time to concentrate on doing what you can to protect your home and belongings in case of wildfire. With that in mind, the San Juan Islands Conservation District will be hosting a Firewise Communities Informational Gathering at the Eastsound fire hall on Orcas Island on Friday evening May 19 from 5 – 7 p.m. Seating is limited, so please arrive on time.

In addition to SJICD Firewise staff, representatives from the National Fire Protection Association, Washington Department of Natural Resources, and Orcas Fire & Rescue will be presenting and available for questions.

The term wildfire normally conjures up images of eastern Washington; however, with changing climate conditions, the San Juans are becoming much too familiar with wildfire. The Cranberry Creek fire last summer brought the reality of wildfire to our neighbors in Anacortes.

While our island fire departments have done an outstanding job in putting out wildfires, implementing Firewise practices around your home and property helps make their job easier and safer. It may also be the difference between fire burning past your home and fire burning up your home. Please make time to attend this important event to learn how you can make your home and community safer from potential wildfires.

For further information please contact Robert Walters at the San Juan Islands Conservation District at 360-378-6621 Ext. 305 or by email.