Tuesday, June 25, 7 p.m., The Whale Museum

— from Tracie Merrill for The Whale Museum —

On June 25, Joan Drinkwin, Natural Resources Consultants, and Monica Shoemaker, Washington Department of Natural Resources, will present information about an innovative new project that will bring Army soldiers to dive deep to help improve wildlife habitat in Puget Sound. Their lecture “Army Deepwater Derelict Net Removal Project will remove derelict fishing nets from Puget Sound” will be held at the Whale Museum at 7 p.m., Tuesday, June 25, as part of The Whale Museum’s Summer Lecture Series.

Through a new collaboration between the Washington Department of Natural Resources and Natural Resources Consultants, soldiers with the US Army 569th Engineer Dive Detachment will dive off the San Juan Islands this July to remove deep water derelict fishing nets. As part of the Department of Defense Innovative Readiness Training Program, the Army Deepwater Derelict Net Removal project will target legacy derelict nets deeper than 105 feet along the steep rocky habitats of the San Juan Islands. The partnership provides the Army divers training in deep water diving operations while removing wildlife-threatening derelict fishing nets at no cost to the state. Come join us to hear Joan and Monica explain the project benefits and logistics.

The Summer Lecture Series is dedicated to providing our local community and visiting public with knowledge and wonder of the natural world. The lectures are given by local or visiting experts in their field. Join us as they share their recent research projects, stories, and experiences. Each lecture is free and held at The Whale Museum. Donations are greatly appreciated. For more information, call (360) 378-4710 ext.30. The Whale Museum is located in Friday Harbor at 62 First St. N. Founded in 1976, The Whale Museum’s mission is to promote stewardship of whales through education and research. The Whale Museum can be found on-line at www.whalemuseum.org.