Tuesday, August 21, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Orcas Library

— from Kathi Ciskowski —

The Orcas Island Genealogy Club is free and open to anyone who is interested in exploring family genealogy–whether you have years of experience or are just wanting to begin now. The monthly meetings will happen on the third Tuesday of the month in the library Community Meeting Room from 10:30-12:30. The next meeting is on August 21, 2018. Bring a computer or other device that can connect to the internet.

Our catchy title for the next meeting is: “Where’s Waldo”? This is to inspire us as we bring information on finding families, addresses and jobs hidden within old City Directories; all kinds of maps (Vicki has some very interesting ones to share); and how to search through Bureau of Land Management records on the computer. We will also look for people not named Waldo.

Phil Heikkinen, director of the OI Library, will take us on a tour of the back rooms where documents and a microfilm machine are there to help ever–curious genealogists discover more about the past.

After the meeting there is help available for learning how to connect to the free library version of Ancestry.com.

Coordinators, Vicki Leimback, Rebecca Johnson and Kathi Ciskowski are passionate about research and will bring their organizational and genealogical skills and resources to share.

Rebecca Johnson is a professional genealogist with many areas of expertise. Vicki Leimback has been doing extensive research on her family history and many other topics including the history of houses. Kathi Ciskowski has a Certificate from the University of Washington Genealogy and Family History course and has taught and helped people with genealogy projects for 8 years.

​All three live on Orcas. Call either Vicki (206-714-3348), Rebecca (360-298-6007) or Kathi (360-376-4186) for more information.