By Margaret Payne

Landscape Design Workshop and Work Party, Sept. 29 at Orcas Library

As Part Two in the enhancement of the Orcas Island Library landscape, Orcas Island Landscape Designer Emily Aring ( will teach landscape-design principles and lead a hands-on work party to plant island-appropriate (deer, drought and wind resistant) ornamental trees, shrubs, and grasses, 9:00-3:00, Saturday, Sept 29, at the Library.

Emily has designed the workshop as a participatory class.

During the morning “classroom” session (over coffee and donuts), Emily will present on key aesthetic and ecological principles of landscape design and describe ideal plants for island gardens. As well, island resident Rolf Erickson will describe the process by which he filters harmful bacteria, chemicals and metals from sewage and composts it into perfectly safe Humanure (

Then teams will be formed to install new plantings on the library grounds. With a break for a potluck lunch, participants get hands-on experience in soil preparation, planting, transplanting and mulching, while helping to beautify the library grounds.

If you’ve longed to learn more about landscape design and planting, here’s your opportunity to dig-in and learn from a pro while teaming with community members to beautify the library grounds on the occasion of its 20th anniversary at the Rose Street location.

Registration is limited to 12 islanders with curious minds and strong backs.  To sign-up and learn more, please email or call Library Trustee Margaret Payne,, 253-302-9769. Funds, time, talent, and materials for the project donated by Friends of the Library, Emily Aring, Rolf Erickson, Charlie Nigretto, and Driftwood Nursery.