Tuesday, May 28, 5:30 p.m., Orcas Library

— from Natalie Menacho for Our Revolution San Juan County —

Our Revolution San Juan County has endorsed the San Juan County Orca Protection Initiative 2019-9. 

Please join us for an informational meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 28 in the Orcas Library Community Room. Play a part in saving our resident orcas from extinction.

Lopez Island orca advocacy group, Southern Resident Protection, has launched a campaign to put an initiative on the 2019 ballot. The San Juan County Orca Protection Initiative will amend the San Juan County Watercraft Regulations, increasing distance requirements between vessels and Southern Resident killer whales to 650 yards in San Juan County waters.

San Juan County has been the Southern Resident’s ancestral home waters and their core critical feeding habitat for thousands of years. The San Juan County Orca Protection Initiative is an effort by our community to give back to these critically endangered whales the freedom to hunt, communicate, rest, and travel with less vessel interference. Most importantly, it will greatly increase their foraging habitat, allowing them to echolocate salmon more successfully.