League of Women Voters of the San Juans Members, from left, Libby Blackwell, Sara Jane Johnson , Marj Stannely, Carol Baylis and Pat Curtin, with the raffle quilt to raise funds to send a local delegate to the LWV National Convention in June

The League of Women Voters (LWV) of the San Juans convened  for an informational meeting at the Orcas Island Senior Center yesterday, to brainstorm ideas for a sub-unit on Orcas Island to collaborate with the meetings and functions conducted by the San Juans League.

Orcas League members  Libby Blackwell, Marian O’Brien, and Sara Jane Johnson met with San Juan Island board members Marj Stanley, Pat Curtain and Carol Baylis. Also in attendance at the meeting were Louise Carnachan, Margie Doyle, Cathy Ferran and Barbara Kline.

The LWV describes itself as a grassroots organization that has its own board of directors, budget and priorities. Orcas Islanders are familiar with the League of Women Voters’ sponsorship of Candidates’ Forums prior to every election.  In addition to the forums, the League produces publications such as Ballot Issue Guides, They Represent You and Know Your County, advocacy of local issues in support of positions reached by member consensus, and observation of public bodies. The Mission Statement of the LWV reads:

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages infromed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

At the meeting on April 19, O’Brien saluted Blackwell’s 25 years in the League, noting her “leadership, commitment to public process and community-building.” Blackwell responded saying, “I never thought I was that clever.”  She and Sara Jane provided historical references to activities of the LWV on Orcas, that dated back to 1984, such as voter registration, candidates’ forums, parliamentary procedure, child welfare, water issues and affordable housing.

It was noted that although the LWV’s stand on issues is  governed by policy that happens at the local, state and national level, the San Juans’ local unit is able to study issues of local interest as long as the appropriate LWV standards are followed. The organization is historically well-respected as a non-partisan, informative and fair-minded group.

Membership and participation in the League “presents an amazing opportunity to make a difference on a small scale,” said Carol Baylis, Member at Large.

The group discussed meetings of the Orcas subunit, considering quarterly meetings and videoconferencing with the larger group on San Juan Island. O’Brien said that her interest was in a group that was “low-key on the administrative side” and the group agreed that the sub-unit would enable more Orcas Islanders to participate, without the ferry travel involved in attending meetings on San Juan Island.

“We’re a big voting county,” said Libby Blackwell, in explanation of the fact that public officials often accept invitations to speak on the islands because of the large turnout their appearances get, in contrast with slim voter turnout in many mainland communities.

All three legislative representatives — State Senator Kevin Ranker, and Legislative Representatives Jeff Morris and Dave Quall, will be attending the May 10 luncheon of the LWV of the San Juans’ Annual Meeting at the Orcas Hotel. Members are invited to the luncheon. Tickets are $20, and reservations must be made by April 30 with Nancy Wight at 378-3810 or nancywight@centurytel.net.

Upcoming events supported by the League of Women Voters of the San Juans include:

  • “How to Have Civil Discussions in Un-Civil Times” will be the topic of a regional meeting to be held May 21 to 23 in Bellingham.
  • The LWV’s national meeting, to be held this year from June 11 to 15 in Atlanta Georgia. (The San Juans’ organization is raffling a quilt to raise funds to send a representative to this meeting. Tickets of $5 each or 5 tickets for $20 may be purchased by calling O’Brien at 376-1402).
  • A Voters’ Forum prior to the Aug. 17 election, planned tentatively for July 24 or 25 in Eastsound.

Pat Curtin,  current Treasurer of the LWV of the San Juans, noted that the League’s county representation began with the formation of the Orcas Unit at Large in 1984; this unit became the San Juans Unit at Large in 1995.

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