Dr. James Murray, Professor of Oceanography at the University of Washington will address the collision of rising demand for oil with the inelastic supply including increases in production of non-convention oil sources in his presentation “Peak Oil”, Monday May 21, 7 pm at the library meeting room in Friday Harbor. Free and open to the public. Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of the San Juans. Contact Ann Jarrell 378-4939.

The public is invited to a screening of the Brian Malone documentary “Patriocracy”, Tuesday May 22 at 7 pm, at the Commons on the Friday Harbor Laboratories (FHL) campus. A non-partisan presentation of the current hyperpolarization and dysfunction in government and possible solutions are discussed by well-known personalities such as Senator Alan Simpson (ret.) and Bob Schieffer (CBS) among others.  Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of the San Juans. Contact Ann Jarrell 378-4939.