Monday, November 12, 12:30 p.m., San Juan Library

— from Hayley Day for League of Women Voters —

The League of Women Voters’ November program will be a discussion of sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild’s “Strangers in Their Own Land,” 2018 edition.

Like many, Hochschild wanted to come up with useful ways to work toward healing the nation’s divide. She went from blue Berkeley to red Louisiana over a five-year period, talked with people — mostly Tea Party members — she met there and listened for the “deep stories” behind their choices and actions. She asked herself repeatedly what is needed to “climb the empathy wall.”

By the end of the book, when discussing the current political situation, she also indirectly raises the question: Do we here in the San Juans sometimes feel like strangers in our own land?

The meeting will be at 12:30 p.m., November 12, at the San Juan Island Library. Use the outside door for entrance, as the main entrance will be closed due to the holiday.