Contributed by Marian O’Brien

The League of Women Voters of the San Juans will be hosting an Open House in Friday Harbor on February 13. The purpose of the meeting will be to celebrate the 90th Anniversity of the LWV, for members to invite potential new members to meet in an informal setting, and to meet and talk with the four applicants for Superior Court Judge (of which Randy Gaylord is one).

The local League was formed on Orcas in 1984 and Orcas presidents presided until 1995. Several Orcas members have continued to attend regular meetings in Friday Harbor since then, as well as to help guide the organization. Meetings used to be held on the ferry so that members from all Islands could more easily attend.

This meeting on Feb 13 will be an opportunity to meet a really great group of lifelong concerned and informed women. The League of Women Voter’s mission is as follows: “The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participating in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.”

On a practical level, and what many of us here on Orcas appreciate about the League, is their hosting of Candidate’s and Issues Forums prior to general or special elections, and their Get Out The Vote efforts.

Please contact Marian O’Brien <> if you would like more information about becoming a member, and if you would like to attend the Feb 13 event. It will be timed for ferry convenience, and transportation on the Friday Harbor end can be arranged.