— from Morgan Meadows —

Back Row: A. Saxe; R. Parsins; G. Withers; D. Harsh; J. Parker; E. Derzay; T. Whalen. Middle Row: G. Graham; P. Long; P. Green; C. Gutierrez; J. Murphy; L. Williams; A. Eltinge.  Front Row: L. Taylor (Co-director); H. Gladstone; L. Orton; J. Bolwinkle-Smith; T. Hayes. (Missing from photo: K.  Pascuito).

Back Row: A. Saxe; R. Parsins; G. Withers; D. Harsh; J. Parker; E. Derzay; T. Whalen. Middle Row: G. Graham; P. Long; P. Green; C. Gutierrez; J. Murphy; L. Williams; A. Eltinge. Front Row: L. Taylor (Co-director); H. Gladstone; L. Orton; J. Bolwinkle-Smith; T. Hayes. (Missing from photo: K. Pascuito).

January 10, 2014, was Orientation Day for the tenth anniversary session of the LSJI professional development program.

This first of 12 sessions was held at Harrison House of Friday Harbor. A gourmet breakfast and scrumptious lunch nourished both students and staff, with gratitude to the caterer. Ron Zee and Jim Skoog (co-founders) shared the history of LSJI’s beginnings and progression.

With over 120 alumni to its credit, the positive impact on professional development locally is increasing. This year’s co-directors are Lee Taylor, Tara Dalton, and Morgan Meadows, representing program support on San Juan, Lopez, and Orcas islands respectively.

After introduction activities and an overview of the next five months, the cohort engaged in animated dialogue regarding leadership qualities and methods, including an introduction to systems thinking and mental models. Steven Hushebeck, Treasurer and co-host for the day, assisted the cohort members with finalizing documents.

Executive Committee Chair, Gretchen Krampf, concluded the session with a preview of the upcoming Use of Self retreat, to be delivered at Heartwood House in Eastsound, January 24th and 25th. Participants will then discover more about their personal leadership styles, and engage in various processes of facilitative learning, building group cohesion and diving deeper into session goals.

Friday’s session ended by 1:30 and Cohort X was off to an exhilarating start.