Saturday, May 11, 5:30 p.m., Olga Community Center

— from Lorna Rhodes —

Come to the Olga Potluck, Saturday, May 11 at the Olga Community Center in beautiful downtown Olga! Social hour begins at 5:30 and we sit down for dinner at about 6:00.

After dinner there will be a general meeting of the Olga Community and an opportunity to vote for President and Secretary of the club and for the chairs of the Park and Property Committees. A slate of volunteers will be presented and others will be called to run. Everyone who comes to the meeting is a voting member.

This meeting will also focus on plans for Olga Daze, the Center’s yearly fundraising event coming up in July. This is our one big fundraiser of the year and this year the money will go to a much-needed new roof for our century-old building.

Please bring your own place settings and a dish to share, if you’re able. This will be the last potluck before the summer and, as always, an opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new ones. Family and kids are always welcome.

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