Repeat performance Sunday, July 3 at 7:30 p.m.

— by Madeleine Treneer —

Maria Bullock teams up with Matthew Laslo for his Magic Show at the Sea View Theatre

Maria Bullock teams up with Matthew Laslo for his Magic Show at the Sea View Theatre

A buzz filled the packed Sea View Theatre as the audience awaited another lively and exciting magic show by award-winning local magician Matthew Laslo last night. The show got underway after resounding applause to a video introducing Matthew and recounting his  love of magic ever since he got his first magic kit at age six.

It would not have been a magic show without a grand entrance: the lights grew dim, vibrant colors were projected on the stage, and slowly the curtains rose as Matthew appeared smiling on stage on an electronic skateboard. He took a selfie with the crowd and cracked a few jokes. Always bursting with charisma, Matthew brings a youthful high-energy approach to his magic that keeps the audience constantly engaged. He is helped by his beautiful and charming assistant Maria Bullock; together they make a great pair.

This was not just any magic show. It was highly interactive with constant audience participation.  Matthew asked a mom from the audience to help with his coloring book trick, and he included two members in his own amusing personal game show. He also performed a trick with a handkerchief and an egg, and afterwards explained the trick to the audience, helping them to appreciate a magician’s work and see all the planning and concentration involved in every single trick.

There  were about 10 set pieces of Mathew’s wizardry, ranging from simple card tricks to lifting a box into thin air, to a thrilling trick involving a t-shirt gun. The audience was ecstatic all throughout the show.  As one member put it: “His show was very entertaining! Matthew is such a funny character. I love his tricks and there were quite a few that I could not figure out.”

The show was full of grace and charm, and felt like a very unique, personal show. Matthew, who seems to belong on stage, looking happy and confident throughout, drew the audience into his magical world by telling funny stories. He clearly enjoys himself as much on stage as the audience enjoyed the show. Enjoyable at any age, I would recommend this show not only to kids but also for the whole family.

Now practically a professional, Matthew will be featured on TV on a national television network to be announced later in July. Some of the world’s finest magicians are featured on this show performing in front of a live Las Vegas crowd.

You can catch the local show tonight and experience Matthew Laslo’s incredible world of magic. Show at 7:30 p.m., Doors open at 6:30 p.m.


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