by Lin McNulty

Clockwise from top left: Emcee Julia Bailey, The M&Ms, Hailee Stevens, Judges Susan and Joe Babcock, Tori and Violet Sturk, Monica Connell, and Stormy Hildreth. In the center is the winner, Matthew Laslo-White

On Saturday afternoon Orcas Has Talent, Jr. Division provided a delightful way to dispense with the chilling memory of last week’s snowstorm.

Let there be no doubt Orcas Island has talent, especially in the junior category.

The rousing afternoon kicked off, literally, with the lively dancing of sisters Tori and Violet Sturk.

Stormy Hildreth, looking  like a young Audrey Hepburn, sang “I Could Have Danced All Night.”

Hailee Stevens had the audience clapping along as she sang.

The M & Ms (Camryn Thompson, Paris Wilson, and Sabrina Bailey) took the crowd one step further with their effervescent song and dance routine..

Magician Matthew Laslo-White mystified the audience with his act of levitation.

Monica Connell treated the audience to a jazz piece and an original composition on the piano.

Following each performance, judges offered comments and encouragement to the performers.

In the end, the panel of judges, Susan Babcock, Joe Babcock, and Bob Shipstad, pronounced Magician Matthew Laslo-White as winner. As such, he has the option of actually competing in the upcoming adult event, or merely performing. He chose to compete.

Runners-up to the performance were the song/dance team, The M&Ms. They will also perform in the upcoming adult event.

Orcas Has Talent is sponsored as a fundraiser for Orcas Island Prevention Partnership. The talent competition is in its sixth year. The organization has raised over $800,000 since its inception in 1999.