By Stan Matthews
County Communications Program Manager

At the end of its June 23 session, the San Juan County Council gave thanks and bid farewell to Ann Larson, who served as the Council’s Clerk since April, 2008.

Larson is leaving to join the staff of State Senator Kevin Ranker, who was a member of the County Council when she was hired. The Council has good-naturedly accused Senator Ranker of “poaching” and the “altered” card showed a woman stepping off a cliff.

Larson thanked the council and showed her sense of humor saying, “The County has been like a family to me. At times a slightly dysfunctional family . . .”

Referring to the year she spent doing field research on primates in South America before joining the County, she added, “I thought the transition from evolutionary biology to politics would be much more difficult. Surprisingly, chasing monkeys in the rainforest and working for politicians was much more similar than I expected.”

She concluded by wishing her former employers well. “It’s especially difficult to leave the County knowing the challenges it faces. Government as we know it is changing. But, I have faith in this good Council and County staff to get us through these challenging economic times … I am proud to have been a part of it.”

Larson will do policy and staff work for Senator Ranker. She will continue to live in San Juan County, but will spend much of her time in Olympia when the legislature is in session.

The Council has named staff member Lisa Brown acting Council Clerk.

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