— from Douglas Wagoner —

Facing a Republican-led White House, Senate and House seeking to dismantle the Affordable Care Act with no plan to replace it, Rep.Rick Larsen (WA-02) is urging San Juan County residents to share their stories about how the Affordable Care Act has helped them or someone they know. Individuals can share their stories at www.larsen.house.gov/shareyourstory.

“I have said it before and I will say it again: I am willing to work with anyone – Republican or Democrat – who is serious about lowering healthcare costs or improving quality of care,” said Larsen. “But if Republicans think they can simply strip away healthcare from millions of hardworking Americans without the faintest idea of what to replace it with – they have got another thing coming. More than ever, Republicans in Congress need to hear from individuals and families in San Juan County who benefit from the Affordable Care Act.

Larsen will use the stories to help beat back Republican efforts to take away healthcare from the 537,000 Washingtonians who gained coverage thanks to theAffordable Care Act, the up to 2,969,739 Washingtonians with a preexisting condition and millions more whose critical benefits and health costs are at risk.

After hearing from more than 15,000 constituents, Larsen voted in support of the Affordable Care Act in 2009 – citing its improvements to Medicare benefits for seniors, bans on discrimination based on preexisting conditions, and potential to expand healthcare coverage for those who need it most.

*Enroll America & Civis Analytics. (2016, December). Changing Uninsured Rates by County—From 2013 to 2016. Retrieved from www.enrollamerica.org/research-maps/maps/changes-in-uninsured-rates-by-county/

**Yen, Wei & Mounts, Thea. (2016, December). Second Year Impact of ACA on Washington State’s Health Coverage (Washington State OFM Research Brief No. 80). Retrieved from www.ofm.wa.gov/researchbriefs/2016/brief080.pdf

*** U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.  (2016, December 13). New Report Details Impact of the Affordable Care Act in Washington [Press release].Retrieved from demcom.house.gov/sites/default/files/HHS%20State%20Press%20Releases%20on%20ACA.pdf