— from Douglas Wagoner —

Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) today released the following statement after more than 100 U.S. Representatives and Senators held a sit-in on the House floor to demand action on gun violence prevention:

“From Lynnwood to the San Juan Islands, over 160 people from my District called my office today – not to mention the thousands more who reached out on social media – to express support for the sit-in. I heard from a teacher from Marysville School District. I heard from a lawyer who experienced a workplace shooting. These folks are fed up, and so am I. Gun violence is an epidemic that has affected too many people I represent.

For years legislation to prevent gun violence has been a nonstarter, but – as shown by the incredible support from folks in my District and by the leadership of civil rights legend Rep. John Lewis – I believe as a country we are experiencing a turning point.

There comes a time when – no matter the odds – you have to say ‘enough is enough’ and act. That is what is happening today on the House floor.”