— from Brooke Davis, Citizens to Elect Rick Larsen —

Everett, WA – Today Rick Larsen celebrates leading in the Primary Election with 56 percent of the vote. Larsen will face Republican BJ Guillot in the General Election on November 4th.

“Thank you to all of my supporters and the volunteers, interns and staff who have donated their time and energy so that I can continue to serve Washington’s Second District in Congress,” said Larsen.

“Growing up in Arlington, I learned the values of community, service and commitment. These same values guide my work today. That’s why I’m fighting to raise the federal minimum wage, combat income inequality, create jobs in our community and fix our broken immigration system,” Larsen said.

“I’m working to put people back to work and keep our communities safe. The best way to create jobs is to invest in our transportation systems. Building and repairing our roads, bridges and highways will immediately create jobs and grow our economy. We must also increase oil train and rail safety standards to help keep our communities safe,” Larsen said.

“I am working hard every day to earn another term in office. My campaign office has been busy with family, friends and supporters who have called and doorbelled thousands of voters throughout the district to talk to them about the work I am doing for the people of the 2nd district.”

Larsen leads the Primary Election in a strong position. According to the most recent Federal Election Commission report Larsen has raised just under $780,000. The Larsen campaign has doorbelled nearly 9,000 homes and called over 23,000 households through the Primary.