— from Ingrid Stegemoeller —

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, is encouraging Northwest Washington cities and counties to take advantage of available transportation funding through the new five-year surface transportation bill that Congress passed in December. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has recently opened up the application process for a number of programs under the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST, Act) and Larsen is working to make sure Northwest Washington communities are well-positioned.

“In Washington state, transportation means jobs. I worked hard to include Northwest Washington’s priorities in the FAST Act, such as ferryboat funding, investments in bike and walking paths and resources for at-grade rail crossings. But this bill is only as good as the progress it makes on the ground for our roads, bridges, highways and transit. That is why I want to make sure local communities have the opportunity to apply for new funding to repair and build up their infrastructure,” Larsen said.

DOT has announced funding opportunities available through the FAST Act:

  • Freight mobility projects through the FASTLANE (Fostering Advancements in Shipping and Transportation for the Long-term Achievement of National Efficiencies) Program ($800 million in FY2016): FASTLANE is designed to fund projects of national or regional significance, with 25 percent reserved for rural projects in areas with a population of 200,000 or less, and 10 percent for smaller projects, including planning and design work, with a cost of more than $5 million. Larsen has encouraged local communities to take a big-picture, coordinated approach to move the region’s freight mobility to the next level. Notice of Funding Opportunity available here.
  • Infrastructure project financing through the TIFIA(Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act) program: TIFIA loans are available for a wide range of transportation projects, including transit development and smaller scale projects. Larsen pushed to develop a streamlined application process for smaller projects, and DOT is working on this process now. Notice of Funding Opportunity available here.

DOT also announced another funding opportunity separate from the FAST Act:

  • Transportation grant funding through the TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) program ($500 million in FY2016): TIGER grants are awarded competitively for a variety of transportation projects. Larsen supported a successful TIGER grant in 2015 for the Mukilteo Ferry Terminal. Notice of Funding Opportunity available here.