— from Rick Larsen, 2nd District Representative, U.S. Congress —

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, released the following statement after the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) released draft rules regarding the use of small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) for commercial purposes.

“Safety is, and must be, the FAA’s number-one priority. I know it is mine, as the Ranking Member of the Aviation Subcommittee. These draft rules are an important step toward safely incorporating new technology into our sophisticated and crowded airspace.

“We have heard a number of concerns that the FAA moved too slowly on these rules. Given the magnitude of the safety implications, we must give the FAA credit for proceeding with caution.

“The UAS industry has great potential to drive economic growth and create jobs, including in my district in Washington state, an epicenter of aviation R&D. Had our country shied away from the challenge safely flying aircraft nearly a century ago, we would not have the safe and efficient passenger airline system that we do today. These rules will help keep our country keep its place as the global leader in aviation technology.

“I will be reviewing these draft rules for small UAS carefully in the coming weeks to ensure they meet our country’s goals of safe and efficient airspace,” Larsen said.

To contact Representative Larsen, go to Larsen.House.gov