— from San Juan County Land Bank —

In light of the improvised explosive device (IED) found by a hiker on a trail at Turtleback Mountain Preserve on Orcas Island Monday, we’re urging everyone to use caution while recreating on public lands.

  1. Please be aware, alert, and vigilant when walking the trails on Orcas Island public lands. Look forward, and look for materials that look unnatural or out of place. Keep kids and pets close at hand. Please report anything suspicious to 9-1-1 immediately. DO NOT TOUCH or MOVE anything that looks suspicious.
  2. Please report to the authorities, information about anyone who has access to or possession of illegally held commercial-grade explosives. Also if you know of anyone who has taken an interest in explosives, or seems like they could be connected to this incident, please report it immediately.
  3. Please report any instances of loud explosions, either currently or in the past, or sites in the woods or elsewhere that appear to be the location of an explosion or detonation. If you think you have an important piece of information, please share it immediately. The Sheriff’s Anonymous Tip Line is 360-370-7629.

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