Thursday, November 17, 1 – 5 p..m., Eastsound Fire Station

— from Dennis King —

Sally Coffin, RN from Lahari will be teaching End of Life Care for Caregivers, on Thursday, November 17th, from 1pm to 5pm at the Eastsound Fire Hall Meeting Room. This 4 hour DSHS approved course qualifies for continuing education credits. This will be the last continuing education class Lahari will be offering in 2016.

The course is designed for Home Care Aides wanting to increase their knowledge and understanding of end-of-life issues and the specific needs of the client who has moved from curative care to palliative care. Topics will include a brief overview of curative care vs. palliative care, the role of the HCA when Hospice care is initiated, maintaining a tidy restful environment while accommodating care equipment, providing physical and emotional care to the dying client, signs and symptoms of a dying client, reporting procedures, preparation of the body following death, the grieving process for the caregiver, friends and family.

Although Lahari classes are designed for professional caregivers, this Lahari class is open to the public. Family caregivers are welcome to attend.

For course objectives and outline, click HERE.

The cost of this class would typically be $40 per person, but Lahari is fully funding the class at no cost to participants. If you’re planning to attend, please register HERE  or call 1-888-685-1475 so we can prepare the appropriate number of CEU Certificates.