New L-pod orca L119, photographed this week with its mother, L77. Photo courtesy of Center for Whale Research.

From the Center for Whale Research

The Southern Resident orcas returned to the inland waters of Washington state’s Salish Sea en mass [this week], after what seems like a prolonged winter along the outer coast.  Their spring visits have been few and far between, with just one L-pod whale, L 87, who hangs out with J and K pods, seen in the area until today.

Best of all, 25 year old L 77 had a calf in tow, who was given the number L-119. Researchers and whale watchers have been particularly concerned about this orca pod, following the death of young L-112 this year to a still unknown cause (please see Dead Orca L-112 is Beginning to Reveal the Story of Her Death).

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