Saturday, June 28 at 3:00 pm

— from Steve and Linda Hulley —

In the updated release of his critically-acclaimed film, Koch Brothers Exposed: 2014 Edition, director Robert Greenwald pulls back the curtain on ultra-conservative billionaires Charles and David Koch, shines a light on the Kochs’ toxic and sprawling reach, and introduces us to courageous people who are fighting back.

Thousands of Americans are gathering in living rooms across the Nation to watch the film and meet other people who want to support a national campaign to end the Koch brothers’ toxic influence on our democracy.

When: Next Saturday, June 28 at 3:00 pm

  • parking and refreshments (15 min)
  • welcome and introductions (15 min)
  • movie Koch Brothers Exposed: 2014 Edition (52 min)
  • discussion and action planning (30 minutes)
  • lingering and schmoozing (optional and unlimited)

Where: West Sound

In order to know how many are coming, we ask that you call [360-376-7600] or email, and we will let you know our address.

If you want to be counted in the national stats, you can also notify the sponsoring HERE.

Parking is an issue, so if you know someone who’s coming, please CARPOOL.