Tomorrow! Thursday, Feb. 28 at 6 p.m. at Darvill’s Bookstore

13 Bones by Tish Knapp, her second novel

13 Bones by Tish Knapp, her second novel.

Darvill’s Bookstore hosts a Local Author Showcase tomorrow night when it brings in local authors Tish Knapp and Milly Vetterlein to read from and discuss their recently-published books.

In the novel, 13 Bones,  Tish Knapp, former Orcas High School English teacher, tells the story of “Macedonia, who inherits thirteen divining bones from her mother that have been handed down to her by countless generations.

“She believes when she throws them she can read their meaning. But do the bones work for her welfare or does she work for the agenda of the bones? Are those characters who live and work at the Maison Rouge Hotel in charge of their own destiny or have they all been drawn to the hotel by some secret power that works only for the bones’ benefit? A white girl bought for $500, a life changing revelation discovered in old pictures, two lives threatened by a storm at sea, a murder, a healing, and the slow but certain linking of generations, all become part of the forces at work in the lives of these characters.” (from

Knapp’s book was published by

Millicent Vetterlein will talk about her book,  In Sight of Goodwill Island, published last fall by Illumina Publishing of San Juan Island.

In Sight of Goodwill Island

In Sight of Goodwill Island by Milly Vetterlein

In Sight of Goodwill Island, is “a heartfelt collection of Vetterlein’s poems and short stories… that ferries the reader to memorable islands and captures their unique beauty, quirky inhabitants, and mysterious appeal.

Vetterlein posits that “being wise, in various guises, and of goodwill is perhaps be the secret of island dwellers, and considers Albert Einstein a model of island life. ‘We think of Einstein,” she says, ‘as a hair-haloed genius and scientist. But he was also a passionately curious man—both solitary and social.’”


Darvill’s owner, Jenny Pederson, says, “We’re delighted to have Tish Knapp and Milly Vetterlein read from their latest books. We’re always happy to share the work of our vibrant local writing community.”