Now, you can see the Kiwanis' flock of flamingos at Doty's Courtyard

Now, you can see the Kiwanis’ flock of flamingos at Doty’s Courtyard in Eastsound

From Velma Doty

The Kiwanis’ missing pink flamingos were located at the Lions Club dinner last week. They were retrieved at the American  Legion Hall Wednesday evening  during the  Lions evening function.

The Kiwanis Flock of pink flamingos is a fund raiser for the Kiwanis, which uses its funds for the youth of Orcas.

A person pays to have another  “flocked.” .The pinks settle at a location chosen by the payee.  They stay there for 72  hours and then are removed by Kiwanians, unless the person who has been flocked pays to have some one else flocked sooner. They may make a donation to never be flocked again or for an early removal. (If you want to flock someone, call 376-6285).

The take-back at the Lions dinner was a total surprise to all of them. Brave Kiwanians stormed the hall and with only a small amount of resistance claimed back their flock.  The Lions were great sports and joined in the fun and laughter that the take-back created.

No shots were returned  by the Lions  and only one of the offenders was fired upon.  He released his arm load of pink birds and  returned to his dinner seat dripping wet.

Warning to any who cross the Kiwanis in their effort to raise money for the youth on Orcas!