Dick Staub, pastor of the Orcas Island Community Church, invites attendees to KindlingsFest 2012, saying, “Refresh yourself:  spiritually, intellectually, creatively and relationally.”

KindlingsFest will take place July 25 through 28 at the Community Church. ” It is  a celebration of Art and Ideas where they intersect with the spiritual,” says Staub. The four days will include morning lecture, conversations with artists in residence and BagEnd  Cafe.

“The Kindlings is a relational, intergenerational movement whose  mission is to rekindle the spiritual, intellectual and creative legacy of Christians in culture. The Kindlings welcomes people to participate in our events regardless of their religious affiliation.”

For information and registration: https://www.thekindlings.com/kindlingsfest/

The theme for KindlingsFest 2012 is “Crabbed Age and Youth Cannot Live Together: Creating an Intergenerational Future In a Fragmented Age.” Staub says, “Since the beginning of time older and younger generations have asked if they can live together.  (Shakespeare coined the phrase, “Crabbed age and Youth. ” Today we live in a fragmented age that separates us into demographic groups by our age. We see this in culture and in faith communities.

“At The Kindlings we know it was not always so, nor do we believe it should it be. From ancient times the aged and youth have been encouraged to know one another, learn from one another, create with and love one another. 2012 KindlingsFest is aimed at exploring the challenges and benefits of creating a richer intergenerational future through a rich mix of spiritual, intellectual & creative approaches to this theme. ”

Malcolm Guite  (Chaplain in Cambridge UK), Maureen McQuerry (author of young adult fiction), Dr. Jeff Keuss  (Seattle Pacific University), Rev. Jenny Spohr (Host The Kindlings Muse @ Hales), Dr. Jerry Root (C.S. Lewis Scholar),

Artists In Residence:
Jason Carter, (Harp Guitarist), Jeremy Mangan (Visual Artist) James Riordan (Writer), Dieter Zander (Photographer), Nigel Goodwin and more to be announced.

Space is limited ~ Last Year Sold Out & Registrations Are Ahead of Last Year!

Register at https://www.thekindlings.com/kindlingsfest/