Kindlings WinterFest Brings Lectures to Orcas Community Church

By Pastor Dick Staub

The Kindlings Winterfest comes to Orcas next weekend, Friday, Feb. 11 through Sunday, Feb. 13 at the Orcas Island Community Church in Eastsound.

Earl Palmer will be our featured speaker  at WinterFest here on Orcas Island and we would LOVE for you to come out an enjoy this with us! This lecture series is  intended to be an intelligent exploration of the relevance of the Christian faith in contemporary life.

WinterFest is a scaled down, lecture-only version of our summer KindlingsFest.  Rev. Earl Palmer is a pastor, Scholar, Master of textual exposition and friend to all! A graduate of University of California Berkeley and Princeton Theological Seminary, Earl’s Pastoral Ministry has taken him to Manila, Berkeley, Seattle and Washington D.C.  The lectures are free (See titles below: Barth, Chesterton, Sayers and Lewis ) so all you need to do is register and show up!

Childcare is provided during the lectures. It is not too late to come on out and enjoy the WinterFest lecture series with Earl Palmer.

  • Friday, Feb. 11 7 p.m. Karl Barth “Act and Being Are Inseparable;”
  • Saturday, Feb. 12 10 a.m. G.K. Chesterton “Good News is Both Heavy and Light;”
  • Saturday, Feb. 12, 7 p.m. Dorothy Sayres “The Bible Can Be Trusted- Faithful Dogma and Exciting Drama;”
  • Sunday, Feb. 13,  9 and 10:30 a.m. C.S. Lewis “Miracles: the Oldest Truth Makes the Most Sense in the Newest Place.”

There is no charge for WinterFest: donations are welcome. For more information:

To Register: Call 376-6422 or

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