Contributed by Nita Couchman, Orcas Island Children’s Librarian

In honor of National Poetry Month, young poets, from ages 7 to 18 years, are invited to submit their poems for display in the Orcas Island Library during the month of April.  Completed poems should be submitted to Nita Couchman at Orcas island Library by Monday, April 5, and will be displayed in the Library’s meeting room throughout the month.  Later submissions will also be accepted.

To wind up the celebration, the community is invited to a poetry reading featuring young poets reading their own poems.  Adults are also invited to participate by reading one of their favorite poems from childhood.  Choose a favorite poem to read from one of the many books of children’s poetry available at the Library.  The reading will take place on Friday, April 30, at 7:00 pm in the Library’s meeting room.

For more information, contact Nita Couchman at the Orcas Island Library, 376-4985