Contributed by Amber Paulsen, Director, Kaleidoscope Childcare Center

Currently there are working families in need of an affordable, high quality learning center where their youngest children can be safely cared for between 7:30 a.m. and

Kaleidoscope Childcare Center is breaking ground for its "Building for Families" expansion project

p.m., five days a week.  Kaleidoscope offers this consistent and educationally rich environment for 50 of our island’s families however, more space is needed to accommodate up to 22 more young children.

To continue to help keep our community’s families working and promoting their children’s early learning, Kaleidoscope has begun phase 1 of the “Building for Families” project.  This addition will provide new space to support more families in maintaining their employment and their family’s financial security.    Phase 1 will take the project through the structural “dried in” completion.  All of the funds for this first phase have already been secured.  As phase 1 progresses, fund raising will continue to secure donations to begin phase 2.

Donations of labor, time, and equipment have made groundbreaking possible, thanks to the generosity of Orcas Excavators, Inc. and San Juan Sanitation. There will be many, many more to thank in the future.  If you are able to help Kaleidoscope continue to support our island’s working families, please contact Kaleidoscope at 376-2484, P.O. Box 1476 Eastsound, or Island Hardware and Supply’s “Building for Families” campaign either in person or at 376-4200.