Our Kaleidoscope Kids are thrilled to meet Fire and Rescue Chief O'Brien

Our Kaleidoscope Kids are thrilled to meet Fire and Rescue Chief O’Brien

Kaleidoscope will be hosting its 9th Annual Gourmet Picnic & Wine/Beer Tasting on Saturday, September 7th, 2013 at Maple Rock Farm starting at 6 p.m.

The “Island Grown, Island Raised” dinner and auction will include a four-course meal paired with local Lopez Island Vineyards wines and brew from Island Hoppin’ Brewery. Dessert will be by Sugar Babies Specialty Cakes served with Lopez Island Creamery ice cream.

All of the dinner courses include only locally sourced products and ingredients. Musical entertainment will be performed by Maddie Jane West.

Dinner tickets are $50 per seat, with a progressive silent auction! Please call Amber of Nicole for donations to the silent auction. Kaleidoscope is also looking for volunteer help with childcare and other event support.

For more information please call Nicole at 376-2484 or Amber at 317-7236.