The "Edible Eats and Education" tomato needs to you make it red!

The “Edible Eats and Education” tomato needs to you make it red…please help us reach our goal!

from Madie Murray

Time is growing short.  In less than 18 days, we need to receive about $5,000 in additional donations to make our goal.

We must reach our goal by November 30.

1 –  The amount we raise will be doubled if we meet our goal.  A group of private donors will match it!

2 – The hosting web site,, will reduce its fees by 3.75% if we meet our goal meaning $440 more dollars will go towards our program!

3 – Your donations are tax deductible – your receipt is from OIEF

4 – Our school garden can continue as an outdoor teaching space

5 – We can continue to support our local farm businesses

6 – F2C can continue its good work for our kids!

If we do not reach our goal, we will be losing more than dollars.

Please click on this link now and donate what you can.

Please share this link with anyone you know who values the benefits of a nutritious school lunch program, teaching school gardens and giving kids a healthy start in life!

Five hundred kids will thank you!