Reception: Friday, June 1, 5:30 – 7 p.m., Orcas Center

— from Kathleen Youngren —

Three very talented local artists, Mary Jane Elgin, Sharon Ho, and Bruce Wilson are working together to present one of the most exciting shows of this year.

Mary Jane Elgin, ceramic artist and teacher, focuses on the surfaces of her clay pieces, both exterior and interior. She is fascinated by “the relationship and interplay between these surfaces and the spaces they contain.” Mary Jane’s work is some of most beautiful and unique ceramic art you have ever seen.

Sharon Ho, ceramic artist and co-owner of the shop, Felt+Ceramics, in Eastsound, uses the surfaces of her clay pieces, “like canvases, suggesting landscapes, terrain and weathering, in hopes of capturing a mood or sense of place or a memory that will evoke an emotional response.” Her work is functional as well as beautiful.

Bruce Wilson, painter, mixes pigments, oil and wax into creamy consistencies and applies them to heated surfaces. His paintings, “explore the relationships between sea, sky and land. His work is impressionistic but the observer may very well see a scene in Bruce’s work that may feel familiar to them.

Reception at Orcas Center, June 1, 5:30 to 7:00. Everyone is welcome, please come bring your friends and meet these three gifted artists.