Jill McCabe Johnson will lead the Writers Roundtable at the Orcas Public Library on Saturday, July 23 from 1 to 3 p.m. The roundtable will focus on the influence of sound in writing.

The Greek word hupakouó (hoop-ak-oo’-o)  is an intensification of the verb ‘to listen,’ and means to heed, to listen attentively or to obey what is heard. At the July Writers Roundtable, writers  will pay close attention to sounds and how they can add to the settings,  rhythms, and tonal texture of our work. Writing exercises will include listening attentively to various sounds, then obeying the sounds by allowing them  to  influence our work. All are welcome.

Jill McCabe Johnson—poet, teacher and Director of Artsmith, (www.orcasartsmith.org) a non-profit organization promoting arts education and the creation of new works of art— is the recipient of the Paula Jones Gardiner Award in Poetry, and four Pushcart nominations for her poetry, fiction and nonfiction. Her work has appeared in journals such as The Los Angeles Review, Iron Horse Literary Review, and Harpur Palate. She earned her MFA from Pacific Lutheran University, and is pursuing a PhD in English at the University of Nebraska.

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