Saturday, May 19, 7:30 p.m., Orcas Grange

— from Anita Horne —

It is not often that Orcas Island residents get the opportunity to see JP and the OK Rhythm Boys in a concert setting. But you can, at 7:30 pm on Saturday, May 19th as JP, Gordon, and Anita bring their own style of musical fun to the Orcas Island Grange!

Enjoy JP’s fine fiddling, Gordon’s dulcet vocals and thumping bass, and Anita’s swinging guitar and wailing saw as the trio presents their typical wide range of new tunes and old favorites on those instruments plus occasional ukulele, mandolin, and banjo. Their tight three-part harmonies, witty banter (well, they like to think they are witty – you can judge for yourself) and flashy footwear guarantee a truly entertaining evening in this cozy and acoustically wonderful island venue.

You can check out the band at

Tickets are just $10, available at Darvill’s or at the door. All proceeds benefit the Grange and the myriad improvements they have planned in the months ahead. Enjoy yourself and help the Grange – what could possibly make for a better evening?