–from Meredith Griffith for Orcas Island Community Church —

All island kids from three years through 6th grade are invited to attend a free jungly adventure at Orcas Island Community Church on July 6-9.

“Journey Off the Map: Vacation Bible School 2015” will lead young explorers through “uncharted territory” with crafts, games, Bible stories and jungle-themed snacks at “Survival Springs”.

“The kids will get a ‘survival kit’ at check-in,” says organizer and Expedition Director Kelly Carpenter, “because they will be entering into unknown territory… VBS is about developing relationships with other kids. It’s about the full experience, and about taking some important life lessons away.”

The atmosphere will be transformed with jungle plants and flowers, streamers, a menagerie of exotic (if stuffed) creatures and colorful decor. In the Tangled Branch Tree House room, kids will hear about Daniel and the lions’ den and other tales. At Rushing Waters, young Assistant Trail Guides will lead the group in dancing and grooving to new tunes.

Rappelling Ravine recreation time will include fun with water balloons, tug-of-war, and obstacle courses led by young adults. At Craft time in the Shady Grove, kids will create beaded leather hiking sticks, fleece pillows, dried flower sun-catchers, and painted burlap banners.

“The motto is, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’,” says Carpenter. “Although we may not know the way, God does.” VBS will run from 9am to noon each day. Families are advised to pre-register, so that no one misses activities on Monday morning. Those unable to pre-register may sign up in person at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, July 6.

Registration forms are at the community church, or online at orcasislandcommunitychurch/VACATIONBIBLESCHOOLregistration.pdf.

For an informational video on the program, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYd4YinGz5I.