Wednesday, Nov. 11, marks the rare opportunity to hear Jackie Parker perform for Orcas Islanders, in a benefit for the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival

Wednesday, Nov. 11 marks the rare opportunity to hear Jackie Parker perform for Orcas Islanders, in a benefit for the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival

A long-awaited event takes place next Wednesday, Nov. 11, when Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival (OICMF) Artistic Advisor Jon Kimura Parker will perform a solo piano concert on Orcas Island.

Despite his busy schedule of traveling and performing internationally, and teaching at the Shepherd School of Music at Rice University, Jackie will give Orcas Islanders and their guests an evening of magnificent music, titled “Leaves of Gold.”

In a program that showcases the range and depth of his talents, Jackie will be performing Beethoven’s Appassionata and Pathétique sonatas, a bouquet of jazz selections by Chick Corea, and Stravinsky’s Petrouchka, in an original arrangement.

OICMF Executive Director Vitoria Parker has said, “Leaves of Gold is an unprecedented opportunity to hear this beautiful and beloved music performed by our favorite concert pianist.”

Jon Kimura "Jackie" Parker, to perform for the benefit of the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival on Wednesday, Nov. 11

Jon Kimura "Jackie" Parker, to perform for the benefit of the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival on Wednesday, Nov. 11

Born and raised in Vancouver, B.C., Jon Kimura Parker is an Officer of The Order of Canada, his country’s highest civilian honor. He performs internationally, including Carnegie Hall, the Sydney Opera House, and venues throughout Canada; and he has collaborated with Joshua Bell, Bobby McFerrin, and Pinchas Zukerman.

He has given command performances for Queen Elizabeth II, the United States Supreme Court, and the Prime Ministers of Canada and Japan. He has been invited to perform the world premieres of works by Alexina Louie, Paul Schoenfield and Peter Schickele and other American composers.

Immediately following the performance, concert patrons are invited to attend a Fireside Buffet Supper reception in the Madrona Room of Orcas Center, catered by Mary and Ron Rebman of Orcas Village Store.

During the Reception, concert-goers can participate in a live auction to win one of three “Music Adventure Trip” packages that include concert tickets for the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, the Seattle Chamber Music Society at Benaroya Hall, or the Strings Music Festival in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

Orcas Islanders will have the rare opportunity to hear this internationally-acclaimed pianist in person at the Orcas Center on Wednesday, November 11, at 6:30p.m.

The “Leaves of Gold” evening will help to provide year-round support for Orcas Island’s OICMF music programming and community education Contact the Festival Office right away for reserved seating tickets.
Tickets can be purchased through the Chamber Music Festival office at 360.376.6636, toll free at 1.866.492.0003.  The Concert, Reception, plus Auction seating are $150.Visit for more information.