Sunday, December 9, 11:30 a.m., Benson Hall

— from Suzanne Olson for Unitarian Universalist Fellowship —

Please join us for a Chalice Group to explore the topic “Vessel of Light” just as we approach the shortest day of the year. Led by Debi Gibson. Some food for thought: Winter inspires us to focus on making our inner lives a top priority – how does that manifest for you?

Plan to stay after for a potluck coffee hour of finger foods (please bring some) – and donations of canned food or $$ for the Food Bank will be collected.

All are welcome. 

  • We need cookies to serve following our Christmas Eve service: A Child’s Xmas in Wales. Can you provide a plate of cookies? Please reply to let me know.
  • Who would like to offer a topic in the new year? The second Sundays in January, February and March are open. Please reply to volunteer. We will help you!

Please let us know if you need a ride, or have other needs that the Fellowship can help with.