By Margie Doyle

Exciting new events will be added to traditional projects to be undertaken by the Orcas Island Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA) this year.

The first “old” event took place on Sept. 5, the Back to School Tea where PTSA officers and school staff welcomed new families to school. Now the group, led this year by Rick and Marlace Hughes as co-Presidents, is gearing up for the annual  Welcome Back Barbeque and Rollerskating this Friday, September 28.

The Back to School Barbeque starts at 5 p.m. in the school cafeteria and courtyard. The PTSA will provide hot dogs and veggie dogs, and families are encouraged to bring salads and side dishes. Rollerskating, revived last year under the Hughes’ leadership, starts this Friday at 5:30 in the Old Gym.

At the first PTSA meeting this year  on Sept. 19, the draft budget indicated a healthy opening balance of $5,713, thanks in great part to the success of Friday roller-skating, which averages about $600 each month from October through June. New skates will be purchased with about half of these funds.

New this year is the Box Top Collection Contest. Boxtops will be collected in a dropbox at the elementary school and sent in twice yearly for reimbursment at 10 cents per boxtop. The Orcas PTSA has set a $500 boxtop goal.

The PTSA board approved $800 towards grants of $50 each for classroom teachers to assist them in purchasing classroom supplies.

The PTSA is participating in the Education Foundation’s Wrapping Paper Drive this fall , with proceeds going to fund re-opening of the School Library.

The PTSA also collaborates again with the Food Bank and Orcas Island School District /Readiness to Learn, assembling weekend backpacks for weekend snacks for Orcas school students each Friday.

Some of the other events returning  this year are a Knitting Club for 4th through 6th graders in the school library at recess, led again by parents Greg White and Jennifer Pietsch; and the  All-Islands Spelling Bee in  January 2013, with this years winners going on to Regional and National Bees. Book Fairs will take place in the School Library for several days in December and again in April.

The PTSA will help fund the monthly Koffee Klatch meetings for all parents at 8:30 in the morning, beginning this Tuesday, Sept. 25. Koffee Klatch is also supported by donations and discounts from Country Corner and  Island Market. The meetings take place outdoors under the Maple Tree in Sept., Oct.,  April, May and June.

Serving with Marlace and Rick Hughes are several officers new to the Orcas PTSA team. Jess Hanson, recently moved to the island from Seattle, is Secretary.

Kristen Wilson is Vice President, Rita Bailey is Treasurer and. Susan Stolmeier is Faculty Representative, Holly King is past President, and Vicki Vandermay heads Membership.

Orcas PTSA Membership is encouraged for all Orcas Island families; cost is $10 per person.
Monthly meetings are announced by a banner at the elementary school entrance and in the weekly school bulletin.

Funds to support specific Orcas PTSA programs are welcome and may be sent to Orcas PTSA, PO Box 6, Eastsound WA 98245.

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