Join the San Juan County Conservation Land Bank for an open house meeting on February 15 to provide input on three Lopez Preserves: Spencer Spit, Richardson Marsh, and Lopez Hill.

View of Spencer Spit Preserve from ferry

Spencer Spit Preserve is 18 forested acres on the north side of Spencer Spit State Park. This high bank shoreline property is visible from the ferry. A draft Stewardship and Management Plan (SMP) is available now for public comment, which proposes constructing a half mile trail and partnering with State Parks for routine management. Click Here to download the draft SMP and learn how to submit comments.
The 25-acre Richardson Marsh Preserve features a large rocky outcrop which provides a scenic viewpoint to the marsh. A new SMP will be drafted later this year, and activities under consideration include: seasonal grazing, installing fencing, creating public access via a short trail and overlook, and constructing a wildlife viewing blind.  
Lopez Hill is the largest Land Bank preserve on Lopez Island. Its 475 acres feature diverse habitats and multiple uses. Hikers, mountain bikers, and equestrians share the preserve’s five miles of trails. The current Stewardship and Management Plan will be updated to include the lease purchase in 2018, additional acreage purchased in 2021, and proposes a new one mile trail.  
Can’t make the meeting in person? Meeting materials will be posted on the Land Bank website the Friday prior to the meeting. Written comments can be submitted by email to tanjaw@sjclandbank.org.


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