What does it take to live and age well on Orcas? Regardless of their age or ability, folks find it at Orcas Senior Center (OSC), a community gathering place providing services and activities that reflect each person’s unique experience and interests, support independence, and encourage involvement.

Most people on Orcas are over 50, and OSC is growing, adapting, and changing to expand our range of services. OSC provides social opportunities as well as education, nutrition, recreation, health programs, and support services. We strive to focus on the whole person, recognizing the diverse interests, needs, experience, and skills of those we serve. 

OSC today is a stand-alone nonprofit organization, whose mission is to “engage the community to provide services, advocacy, and support so that people can live and age well on Orcas Island.” OSC is not funded by county tax dollars. It depends on members, volunteers, and donations to continue its important work.

To join, renew, or donate, please go to www.orcasseniors.org, call (360) 376-2677, or visit at 62 Henry Road.