— from Gretchen Krampf —

On Sunday, September 7, a historic Gathering is happening at Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center in Seattle. The Gathering will be the blessing and launch of the Nawt-sa-maat Alliance, and all members of the human family are warmly invited. Join us in Ceremony, a Salmon Bake, and have the opportunity to connect and network as we prepare for the 4 Days of Action from September 19th to September 22nd, culminating in the Signing of the International Treaty to Protect the Sacredness of the Salish Sea at Tsleil-Waututh Nation in Vancouver, B.C. The Gathering will be an opportunity to learn about the purpose, guiding principles, and members of the Alliance, and for you to decide for yourself if you or your organization want to take part.

Please RSVP and give your contribution for the Salmon Bake and facility as soon as possible. We are ordering and paying for salmon now and need to get the head count as close as possible! We won’t turn anyone away, but we would like to have enough for everyone.

RSVP here: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/832983

All members of the Human Family are warmly welcomed to take action and be part of this forming Alliance!

For more information, contact:
Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr. 604 542-8991 phillanejr@gmail.com
Jon Ramer 206 972-7356 jon@compassiongames.org