Ian Lister enjoys lunch with his daughter Flora, prepared by Guest Chef John Steward, at the Orcas School cafeteria

Contributed by Madie Murray

Who put the “stew” in beef stew?

None other than John Steward, owner of Maple Rock farm and January’s Celebrity Chef at the public school.   While a sports event postponed many of the middle school and high school students from enjoying John’s incredible lunch to a week later, a record number of elementary students filled the cafeteria on Jan. 21 to chow down some of the best made-from-scratch beef stew, macaroni and cheese, home made applesauce and cole slaw this side of the Canadian border.

Carrying on the now famous Celebrity Lunch tradition will be Geddes Martin of Ship Bay fame on February 25 featuring oven roasted chicken and potatoes ala Geddes.  Mark your calendar!   And, keep abreast of all the Celebrity Lunches and other upcoming Farm to Cafeteria events on its new web site at www.orcasislandf2c.org.