By JoEllen Moldoff

Jill Johnson, Kangaroo House innkeeper and Artsmith founder,  has returned to Orcas from a year of studies in the graduate writing program at the University of Nebraska, energized with fresh ideas to share.

She will lead the Roundtables in June and July.  Both will be held in the Library, from 1-3 p.m..  All are welcome, and writers can attend one or both.

The Art of Nature Writing – June 19 (note: this is the 3rd Saturday). Join fellow writers as we read then write poetry and prose inspired by nature. Expect to leave with at least two solid starts on new poetry or prose.

The Art of Revision – July 10. Learn techniques to bring out the best in your writing, removing dampening language, and making the work shapely and vivid. Bring pieces written during the June Writer’s Roundtable, or other pieces you’d like to polish. We’ll revise, then share.