Opening Friday, Feb. 6 at 5 p.m. at Orcas Center

Local artist Jeff Bossler will be showing original oil paintings, prints of pen drawings, and many photographs of local scenes as well as his recent trip to Nepal in the lobby at the Orcas Center for the month of February.

Many folks on Orcas Island know Jeff Bossler “the landscaper,” but not many know him as an “artist and photographer.” From early childhood, Jeff had been totally absorbed in his art, leaving many of the regular responsibilities of life to seasonal jobs with the US Forest Service and temporary nursery work. But when he got married and settled down on Orcas Island 27 years ago, his art had to take a back seat to building the house after work hours and helping raise the two kids. A few years ago, the nest became empty, and looking for a new direction, he decided to re-visit his artist self.

Still highly capable of and enjoying wielding a pick, shovel, rocks, and chainsaw by day, by night Jeff took up digitally re-mastering some of his old pen drawings and putting them online. He also jumped into photographic works including digital manipulation and even abstract compositions.

His fourth trip to Nepal last November resulted in some stunning photos of everyday life and scenery in the Himalayan foothills. Jeff’s upcoming show in the lobby of the Orcas Center is just a small example of the scope and volume of his available work, which can also be found online at