Saturday March 31 at 1 PM, Mandala Yoga Studio

— from Susan Osborn —

Attention all lovers of things natural, comfy and beautiful!

I have always loved beautiful fabrics and everywhere I traveled sought out the little shops and artisans who produced them. While working in Japan many years ago I met an amazing man, Usaburo Sato, who was making clothing from organic cotton and hemp, hand spun and woven, naturally dyed fabrics.

He is coming to Orcas Island next week with a small group of Japanese travelers and will be offering a short talk and conversation with me about his vision and the making of this very special clothing. We will also be offering a selection for sale, Saturday March 31 at 1 PM, Mandala Yoga Studio in Eastsound. The conversation will be from 1 to 2 p.m. and sale afterward until 5.

Don’t miss this chance to meet the artist and join in what I am sure will be a fun and informative afternoon.