Tokiko Ogama will perform in appreciation to Orcas Islanders on July 18 at the Odd Fellows Hall

Wednesday July 18, 7:30 p.m. at the Orcas Island Odd Fellows Hall

Susan Osborn, local singer, has a more than 20 year relationship with Japan, and Japanese culture. During that time she has formed close relationships with many Japanese artists including Ms. Tokiko Oyama, Butoh Dancer and Mr Ogushi.Niji no Tengai. After the March 2011 earthquake, in Japan,  Susan helped raise funds for the recovery through performances here and in the Bay Area, and Ms. Oyama helped coordinate the delivery of the funds in Japan.

Now, Artists Tokiko Oyama and Koji Ogushi, accompanied by makeup artist, Mitsue Nakashio, and translator, Yayoi Akabane have traveled from Japan to present a performance as an expression of gratitude for our community’s support after the earthquake and tsunami last year. They will be joined by several regional artists and musicians.

Area artists, Nancy Rumbel, Grammy Award winning instrumentalist; Jay Kimball, Lakotah Flute; David Densmore, Percussion; Maureen Freehill, Butoh Dancer; and Susan will help provide a musical context for the performance.

Ms. Oyama has requested that all monies collected will be donated to a local service that helps children and families. Admission is by donation and will be given to our local Food Bank. Please come and share in this unique and powerful experience of deep Japanese culture.

Rainbow Canopy of Gratitude
Tokiko Oyama, Butoh Dancer
Koji Ogushi, Sumi Ink Artist
Orcas Island Oddfellows Hall
By Donation on July 18 at Orcas Odd Fellows Hall