— from Kathleen Youngren for Orcas Center Visual Arts Committee —

With the goal of beautifying Orcas Center and creating an inspiring and welcoming atmosphere, it is the responsibility of the Visual Arts Committee(VAC) of Orcas Center to enhance the lobby and Madrona Room with art. A new show is presented each month of the year, with mostly local work but also the work of off-island artists.

Each month the VAC plans the theme of the show, invites all artists to participate, skillfully hangs the work, and organizes an Opening Party on the first Friday of the month.

Traditionally the month of January is reserved for the members of the VAC to show-off their own work. The current members of the VAC are; Mary Jane Elgin, Joan Fletcher, Marilee Holm, Ann Jones, Rick Jones, Peg Laycock, Heidi Lindberg, Pat Littlewood, Janis Mattox, Leon Rosenblatt, Nina Sahlin, and Kathy Youngren.

This show will be hung on January 3rd and remain up until January 31st.