A Review by Lin McNulty

The Master: Love, Latitude, Longitude, & Laughter by Jan Ferris Koltun

The Master: Love, Latitude, Longitude, & Laughter by Jan Ferris Koltun

Engaging from the first page, The Master: Love, Latitude, Longitude, & Laughter, a new memoir written by long-time islander Jan Ferris Koltun, is a must-read—even if you only want to learn the true history of the Kangaroo House kangaroo. Who knew? Maybe a few who have been on Orcas long enough to remember, but for the rest of us, you gotta read this to find out.

That’s only one tidbit of info Jan reveals in her memories of growing up on Orcas and the adventures of her merchant marine father, Capt. Harold Benjamin Ferris (who she affectionately refers to as HBF), “a short man who dreamed tall.”

The Master is stocked with sea tails that include booze and women in the South Pacific islands, HBF’s passion for “mastery” in his chosen profession, and the struggles of a young family waiting for his return as they work to build a life on the small island of Orcas.

Darvill’s will be hosting a reading and book signing for Jan’s book on Thursday, October 17 from 4-6 p.m.