Monday – Tuesday, April 1 – 2, 7:30 p.m., Orcas Center

— from Susan Hull —

The multi-faceted James Reid Band, featuring Orcas’ own singer/songwriter James Connell and partner Reid Spencer of North Carolina, will perform in two Tales Tall & Tender concerts at Orcas Center April 1 & 2 to benefit the important new island initiative Recovery In Community. Net proceeds will go to RIC to train a network of volunteer advocates to guide islanders challenged by mental health and substance abuse disorders toward the services and community support they need. Learn more at

In the early 1970s the then long-haired Connell and Spencer dropped out of college and formed the band Milkweed, performing their original music throughout the Southeast with the Allman Brothers, Jimmy Buffett, Jerry Jeff Walker, Al Kooper, Wet Willie, John Hammond Jr, and others.

After the five Milkweed band members went their separate ways, Connell and Spencer lost contact for more than 40 years. But the chance iTunes posting of a recording of Spencer’s lush tune “Granma Country” led to a reunion in 2014.

Reid and Jim located and gathered the other band members from across the country, reformed as The James Reid Band, and went on to record the highly acclaimed Breakfast at Sunset CD at Orcas Island’s state of the art studio Bredouw’s Barn. Breakfast at Sunset features an eclectic collection of original tunes that made Milkweed a top attraction on the College Coffeehouse Circuit years ago. Have a listen at .

More than anything, the two old friends are storytellers, now with a lifetime of experience to inform their individual songs and collaborations. The upcoming Orcas Center Tales Tall & Tender concerts will be followed by a newly recorded CD of the same name, both featuring a mix of old and new original songs that reflect the continuing folk, rock, country, blues, classical, and jazz influences that have shaped Connell’s and Spencer’s broad range of songwriting styles.

The band urges islanders to support RIC with a donation large or small and to attend these don’t-miss concerts, which will feature 13 outstanding musicians, some flying in from across the country plus some of the best from Orcas Island. Premiums for various levels of RIC donations range from buttons to CDs to hats to special recognition in the liner notes of the Tales Tall & Tender CD and in concert programs.

Both concerts are expected to sell out, so buy tickets soon, and get ready for two evenings of rollicking good music that promise to get you singing, tapping your toes, and dancing in the aisles.