The Center for Whale Research joins the world in celebrating all Orca ecotypes worldwide. We can all do our part to make the planet safer and more habitable for the species to survive and thrive in their local ocean environment.

We had the great fortune to spend some time on the water with Southern Residents during the past week. Here is a short video clip that Lodie Gilbert, CWR Community Relations Coordinator, shot during Encounter #39 with J, K, and L Pod members. It was a magical day. We celebrate every time we see orcas.

Dr. Ingrid Visser, cetologist (Orca Research Trust) and our long-time colleague from New Zealand, established WORLD ORCA DAY at the World Whale Conference in 2013. The first official WORLD ORCA DAY was July 14, 2014. Read more…


  • World Orca Day is a celebration of the species.
  • We aim to raise awareness of orca in the wild and the threats they face.
  • Our overarching goal is to increase protection for the species and, as a result, the oceans.
  • We strive to support a movement that brings together people who are interested in, and who advocate for, orca.
  • We promote fundraising initiatives for projects that support the World Orca Day mission.

The Center for Whale Research encourages you to do what you can to TAKE ACTION for orca ecotypes worldwide. Visit the Center for Whale Research and WORLD ORCA DAY TAKE ACTION webpages for suggestions about specific steps you can take.

The Center for Whale Research devotes its research days to the ORCA SURVEY and Aerial Observation Study—on-the-water observations of the iconic Southern Resident and Bigg’s (Transient) orcas: documenting their population status and monitoring their health, as we’ve done diligently since 1976, and examining orca interactions and behaviors.


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